Health Benefits Of Drinking Coconut Water Everyday

Bhubaneswar: In coastal regions coconut is found in abundance. In Odisha especially many families have coconut trees in their gardens. The fresh and tasty fresh tender coconut water is a must have in many households.

Coconut water has been recently creating a stir in the world of nutrition and fitness, where you have seen a lot of people downing the drink after intense sessions of workout. Let us learn about the numerous benefits of drinking it on a daily basis.

Pic Credits: GHK
  1. It is filled with nutrients–  This natural liquid is referred to as the sports drink from Mother Nature thanks to its electrolyte content. In fact, it is loaded with sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride and calcium, which are all good for the body.
  2. Rich In Anti-Oxidants- Research shows that coconut water contains antioxidants that protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
  3. Rich In Magnesium- Studies show that since coconut water is chock-full of magnesium, it may increase insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels.
  4. Best Cure For Hangovers- Hangovers are the body’s natural response as it attempts to metabolize the alcohol. Since it is a diuretic, it causes the body to flush out fluids and makes it harder to absorb more. Its electrolytes and potassium rehydrate the body quickly.
Pic Credits: Good Health
  1. Improves Digestion- Fiber is critical for a properly functioning digestion. Health professionals will recommend that you include fiber in each meal you take. This water contains the right amount of fiber to boost your digestion. So ensure you get a reasonable uptake of the fruit’s water after or during each meal.
  2. Great For Skin Ailments- Our skins are prone to infection from bacteria and fungi. Bacteria and fungi cause a range of skin infections. You can stop using antibacterial and anti-fungal drugs because there is a more natural and effective alternative. Research shows that coconut water has antifungal and antibacterial properties.
  3. Is Very Low In Calories- This natural drink contains much lower in calories compared with many other commercial sports drinks, which means that it should be a great option for those who need extra hydration, but do not want to gain extra pounds from extra calories.

Coconut water is freshest when it comes directly from the coconut. Simply press a straw into the soft part of a green coconut, and start drinking. You can also buy bottled coconut water at most grocery stores. However, be sure to read the ingredients list to verify you’re getting 100 percent coconut water. Some bottled brands contain added sugar or flavoring agents.

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