Good eating habits: Know how to slow aging

Life’s inherent condition is aging. One day we are wrinkle free and able to bounce around without any pain, but somewhere along the line, our skin may start to seem older and our knees may begin to ache when we go for a short jog.

While there are no fill proof methods to delay aging, there are several actions you might be taking that, knowingly or unknowingly, hasten the aging process.

More power to you if you view wrinkles and looser skin as a badge of honour or a testament to a life well lived and you adhere to the belief that you must do your part to battle aging and retain a young appearance, healthy joints and even a longer life, continue reading to learn five dietary practices that are making you look younger faster.

  • You aren’t eating enough protein

One can age more quickly if they don’t consume enough protein. Protein in the diet helps keep muscles lean. As a result, sarcopenia or the loss of muscle with age, contributes to injuries and chronic illness.

  • You are eating too much sugar

It’s delicious to consume sweets and goodies. However, consuming too much sugar can contribute to ageing more quickly. You can age more quickly by eating a diet high in sugar. Advanced glycation end products can be produced more quickly as a result of its potential to raise blood glucose levels.

  • You aren’t eating enough fiber

Fiber helps promote satiety and maintain regular bowel movements. Eating fiber has been linked to reductions in illness risk as well as improvements in inflammation and gut health. Individuals who have aged effectively tend to consume a lot of fiber.

  • You consume a lot of processed meats

Despite how delicious bacon, sausage, and lunch meat may taste, eating them frequently will not slow down the ageing process in your body. Processed meats are considered a Group 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization, which means that consuming these foods raises your chance of developing cancer. Additionally, consuming too much of these meals may contribute to cellular ageing because many of them are high in sodium.

  • You aren’t eating orange veggies

Beta carotene is a pigment found in winter squash, sweet potatoes, and carrots that has certain special health advantages. Beta carotene and other carotenoids build up in the top layer of our skin, serving as a barrier against UV light. By promoting skin suppleness and moisture, foods high in beta carotene slow down the ageing process of the skin and, as a result, prevent wrinkles and age spots from forming.

healthy eatingHealthy food
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