Foods you should avoid eating with eggs

A bad food combination can be very harmful to the human body. So, it is very crucial to eat the right food at the right time. According to scientists, some wrong food combinations can actually cause problems for your digestive tract, which can lead to fatigue, nausea, and bowel diseases.

People often take eggs for granted, which is highly nutritious. Loaded with protein, vitamins & minerals, egg is used to make a lot of dishes and we eat it in a different form.

Some people like to enjoy egg alone while others eat them with meats, milk products, and caffeinated drinks. But, there are foods that should not be taken together with eggs. It can be dangerous for health.

Read below to know about a few things that you should not eat with eggs.

Sugar: Never eat eggs with sugar. This will release amino acids and can become toxic for the human body and can create clots in your blood.

Soy Milk: Eating eggs with soy milk can hinder the absorption of protein in your body.

Tea: Many people enjoy tea and eggs together. However, this combination can cause constipation that which further can put serious damage to your body.

Fish: Eggs and fish should never be eaten together. This can cause an allergy.

Paneer: Like Fish, eating eggs with paneer can also cause allergy and develop other diseases in the body.

Banana: Never consume a banana after eating eggs. Especially, gym-goers consume eggs and bananas together which can be harmful to the body.


Comments (20)
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  • Islam

    Please provide a credible source or research regarding the information that you’ve provided or stop misleading people.

    • Ckr

      Islam, have you had any response to their claim that eggs and bananas should not be eaten together? It’s been seven months!

      • Kiran

        Hello sir madam this is kiran from india today i have eaten egg and then a banana and my stomach feels very upset right now its not at all good to eat banana and egg

        • Penny

          I also ate banana then fried egg yesterday I almost died. I felt like my brain will burst out of my skull. My stomach was soo upset and nausea plus vomiting and diarrhea. I was well and wasn’t sick before I ate them. So am very sure I started feeling sickly 10 minutes later after eating.

          • Meanie

            Eggs and bananas are okay to eat together.. In my experience.. I love to add strawberries and bananas to my French toast and I’ve never gotten sick or experienced a reaction .. Also there is such a thing as banana pancakes !!

  • being Human

    Anyone can say dont eat chicken with pepper, bread with milk or even water with rice 😀 Do you have a proof that justifies what you have mentioned. Simply to increase visitor count for your website do not post such this.

  • Bri

    French toast is literally eggs and sugar, as many other things contain the two. So…..

    • NonAnonymous

      That’s why you people are weirdo

    • Trese Mei

      Exactly, Who ever wrote this apparently has no peer review or independent studies to explain why. The audience was the commentors who responded “OMG am I OK, b/c I just ate that?” Panic town residents. Or they just wanted us to listen/read. We did & they are welcomed… I’m not into bananas but slice some over French Toast for a treat & it’s gone in a flash of yummy!

  • Agus Ang

    If they would say, don’t consume banana after egg, then I would eat banana first so with the egg.

  • Rosalina Rose

    Omg i just finished eating my egg that i mixed with sugar, pepper and onion then i fried it and eat it. Hope it won’t cause harm would it?

  • mN

    I always eat banana with egg or milk with egg. What is the problem? If you say it’s bad then give proper explanation.
    I didn’t have any issue after eating egg + banana + milk tea or whatever. I need proper explanation boyss

  • tanya griffis

    This is the most absurd thing I ever read.

  • Takeo

    Eggs contain amino acids because they’re a protein rich food. What kind of amino acids are we talking about here and what makes them toxic ? Just wondering.

  • Doms

    Can’t eat banana with eggs? This is biggest bullshit i ever heard!
    Banana with boiled eggs is the healtest food combination off all time!

  • Agbanu Dotsey Osborn

    I eat boiled egg with fried together with tin fish and kenkey
    I do enjoy it afterwards I go for my labour work
    I never encounter any problem

  • plain

    sugar and eggs??? dont you make a cake using both??

  • Tricia

    We are all made up differently so what goes for one does not necessarily go for all. My brother was diagnosed a couple months ago with heart failure. A few days ago he had half boiled eggs and and also a banana soon after he started to feel sick. Prayer is powerful!

  • Vibhushan

    Very credible information, as I ate the paneer with boiled eggs including yolk ,which caused sudden anxiety in body after 10 minutes of eating and also increased my heart rate.Pls follow above mentioned guidance for avoidance of any severe circumstances.

  • M

    I have heard all this 20 years ago, my grandma use to tell me never mix eggs with certain things, this is why you can see people have so many digestive issues to cancer. Health issues are arising so much in this country. There are reasons to everything!