Easy Diet Chart For Remarkable Weight Loss At Home, Check Details

Bhubaneswar: The lock down has led to marked weight gain in many people as gyms have closed down and fitness seems to have taken a back seat for people.

But, for increased immunity one should always remember that weight management is highly essential. Checkout this simple weight loss diet chart that can be easily followed at home.

Diet Chart: 
  1. Breakfast: Start the day with a cup of black coffee and grab a healthy breakfast option like oats or millet dosa with some chutney.
  2. Pre-workout meal: Simple cup of black coffee or warm water and a sugar free cookie or biscuit or 1 banana.
  3. Post-workout meal: Have something filling such as nuts (almonds) with a serving of seasonal fruits.
  4. Lunch: 1-2 chapatis (rotis) with a bowl of vegetables or curry which would be heavy on protein, such as paneer.
  5. Dinner: Have a lighter meal, such as a bowl of soup or grilled veggies.
A few simple lifestyle changes that are required are: 

1) Sleep on time, for 6-7 hours regularly.

2) Eat meals on time.

3) Instead of 3 full meals, have 6 small meals throughout the day.

4) Ditch cravings for unhealthy eating.

Low-calorie recipes to swear by:

Paneer bhurji, baingan bharta, grilled chicken or fish, boiled egg salad.

Weight loss is not the easiest. It is always mind over your body, making up your mind helps win 50% of the battle.

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  • Owais

    Custom keto diet very useful