Earthenware Makes Comeback: ICMR Crowns It the Healthiest Cookware

Earthenware cookware, a traditional favorite, is receiving renewed attention for its health benefits. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has given its thumbs up to this natural cooking material, highlighting its numerous advantages.

One of the key benefits of earthenware is its safety. Unlike non-stick cookware, there’s no risk of harmful substances leaching into your food. This ensures your meals remain free from toxins and promotes overall health.

Earthenware also promotes healthy cooking by requiring minimal oil. This translates to lower cholesterol intake, a crucial factor for those managing weight or concerned about heart health. Dieticians often recommend low-cholesterol diets to reduce the risk of high blood pressure and related complications like hypertension. This cookware helps you achieve this goal by naturally reducing the amount of fat needed for cooking.

Earthenware cookware are biodegradable, hence it makes cooking eco-conscious. It’s a safe and environmentally friendly option that doesn’t pose any danger to health. Additionally, earthenware boasts excellent heat distribution, ensuring even cooking throughout your food. This not only improves the taste but also helps preserve essential vitamins in your ingredients. These preserved nutrients translate to better nutrient absorption for those consuming the food.

The ICMR acknowledges the safety of other cookware options as well. Stainless steel is considered a reliable choice as it doesn’t react with food, making it suitable for various dishes. Granite stone cookware can also be safe, but only if it’s free of Teflon coatings. Teflon coatings, when heated above normal temperatures, can release harmful gases into the air, posing health risks to cooks and families.

So, the next time you’re looking to upgrade your kitchen, consider the humble earthen pot. This traditional favorite is making a healthy comeback, offering a natural, safe, and healthy cooking experience.

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