Did you know? Excessive consumption of momos can have these health risks

Even though momos are steamed and filled with vegetables or meat, they can pose certain health risks. Read to know how!

Momo stalls can be seen everywhere these days. People love indulging in the delights. But is it okay to consume momos on a regular basis? Let us know. Even though momos seem healthy because they are steamed and filled with vegetables or meat, they might not be actually good for the body.

Having momos once a week is considered fine for the body. But if you eat too many momos at one go, it could lead to potential health risks. Read to know why:

Refined flour

The outer covering of the momos is mainly made up of refined flour. Refined flour is a super processed wheat which loses most of its nutrients and fibre in the process. Consuming refined flour often can lead to weight gain. This can further lead to other health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, and even cholesterol issues.

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

Momos contain Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). This compound is often linked to health issues like problems in metabolism, obesity. In extreme cases, it can even harm your reproductive organs and nerves. MSG is rich in Sodium and Glumatic acid, which is not good for your body if you have blood pressure or kidney issues. This is yet another of the health risks of frequent consumption of momos.

Not cooked enough

There are times when momos are not cooked enough, especially the meat inside. Eating undercooked or raw meat can cause stomach problems, food poisoning and overall discomfort.

The Additionals

Momos usually come with the spicy chutney and mayonnaise dip. Consuming too much spicy chutney can also cause stomach trouble. On the other hand, Mayo contains saturated fatty acids which can be bad for your heart.


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