Amazing Health Benefits Of Sex For Females

Sex and sexuality are a part of life. Having sex or sexual intercourse is vital for the very development of the females both mentally as well as physically. Apart from being used for reproductive reasons, it offers various health benefits for both the body and mind.

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Here are the amazing health benefits of sex for females:

1. COUNTS AS EXERCISE: Sex is a really great form of exercise and burns about five calories per minute. It bumps up your heart rate and uses various muscles.

2. EASES STRESS: Sexual intimacy can boost your self-esteem and happiness. Study suggests touching and hugging can release your body’s natural “feel-good hormone.”

3. RELIEVES PERIOD PAIN: According to Barry R. Komisaruk, PhD professor of State University of New Jersey, the vaginal stimulation can block chronic back, leg pain, reduce menstrual cramps, arthritic pain and in some cases even headache. “Orgasm can block pain”, added Komisaruk.

4. LOWERS HEART ATTACK RISK: Sex life is good for your heart health that keeps your estrogen and testosterone levels in balance and reduces the risk of heart disease.

5. INCREASES LIBIDO: For women across all age demographics, sex can increase estrogen levels, blood flow and improve your libido.

6. INCREASES PELVIC FLOOR STRENGTH: Sex can increase pelvic floor strength and is a great workout for your pelvic floor muscles. After childbirth and as women age, it gives you great control and reliability over your bladder function which is very important for certain hormonal factors to increase the frequency of urination.

7. IMPROVES IMMUNE SYSTEM: Researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania have found that higher levels of sex defends your body against germs, viruses and other intruders.

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