7 Amazing Health Benefits Of Fish

Fish is abundant in most bodies of water. It is an important resource for humans worldwide, especially as food. It has had a role in culture through the ages, serving as deities and religious symbols.

Fish is one of the most beneficial protein sources and packed with essential nutrients. So make sure you are incorporating fish into your diet to reap these amazing health benefits.

Here are few amazing health benefits of Fish:

1. REDUCES RISK OF HEART DISEASE: Fish is beneficial for heart health due to their high omega-3 fatty acid content that lowers risk of heart attacks, coronary heart disease, strokes and death from heart disease.

2. BOOSTS BRAIN HEALTH: Studies suggest that people who eat more fish have slower rates of mental decline that helps to decline aging, regulate emotion memory in the parts of the brain.

3. LOWERS SYMPTOMS OF DEPRESSION: Depression is a common mental condition. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids that fight depression and increase the effectiveness of antidepressant medications.

4. SUPPORTS EYE HEALTH: Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids that helps to maintain age-related macular degeneration, vision impairment and blindness that mostly affects older adults.

5. FIGHTS ACNE: Studies suggest that fish oil is beneficial to clearing skin for people with moderate to severe acne and can help alleviate your skin.

6. LOWERS CHOLESTEROL: The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil assist in lowering LDL levels also known as ‘bad’ cholesterol levels in the body, according to the Baylor University Medical Center.

7. SPEEDS METABOLISM: The omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in fish, have a positive effect on your exercise metabolic rates, as well as fat oxidation in older women.



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