5 Ways to Loose Weight While Sleeping! Find Out How

Bhubaneswar: It is possible to loose weight even while sleeping, sounds strange but it is true. There a few simple tricks if one follows them, then it is possible to loose weight even while sleeping.  Read on to find out.

Having Small Meals All Through The Day: 

Instead of having 3 large meals, small meals throughout the day helps lose weight. Having nutrient-rich small meals at regular interval helps to stabilize blood sugar levels. It speeds up the metabolism all day long and will ensure your body continues to burn fat all through the night.

Hot Shower Just Before Going To Sleep: 

A hot shower just before sleeping helps calm down the nerves and promotes better sleep. The increase in temperature due to he shower helps burn calories while sleeping.

Weight Training For 1 Hour Anytime During The Day: 

Lifting weight helps increase metabolism, this in turn helps burn fat while resting. Being an extremely intense exercise, the body requires extra oxygen after the training session to recover from the loss of energy. This effect lasts for more than a 24-hour post-and helps burn calories.

Avoid Consuming Alcohol Late At Night:

Alcoholic drinks can hinder the body’s ability to burn calories while sleeping. This happens because rather than focusing on burning fat, the body tries to metabolize the alcohol at night.

Avoid Electronic Gadgets At Night: 

Bright blue light of the cell phone and tablet can be interesting before going to bed, but keep away from them to shed kilos. Studies suggest that night time exposure to blue light can disrupt the production of melatonin (sleep hormones) in the body leading to disrupted sleep hence weight gain.


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