Tips To Make Your Sunday Productive & Fruitful. Read On

Bhubaneswar: How many times have you spent most of your weekend doing absolutely nothing and then woken up filled with regret on Monday? Too many to count, we’re sure.

Are Sundays boring and always a disaster for you? These expert tips will help you get your week going strong—without sacrificing weekend fun.

  • Give Your Mind A Break:

If you don’t have anything specific to do, sometimes the best thing you can do for your future productivity is to give your mind a break.

After all, time off is good for your productivity and performance at work. Use your Sundays to get outside and get some fresh air. This will lead to increased focus, reduced stress, and greater creativity.

  • Declutter Your Room/Space:

Think about all the things in your home that you haven’t touched in months or years, but can’t bear to throw away- old shoes, haphazardly placed things and clutter.

Decluttering your living spaces will make you feel a lot better.

  • Create A To-Do List:

Just as you plan out your work week, create a to-do list for your Sundays. On Friday, make a list of everything you’d like to complete over the weekend – from grocery trips to visiting friends and slowly work your way through it. That’ll make sure you’ve left nothing out on Sunday night.

Throw in a few fun things- a sweet treat to yourself, a movie or reading a good book- and you’re sorted for the day.

  • Take Out Time For Yourself:

On Sundays, make it a point to take out time for yourself. Me-time is something everyone puts off but pencilling it for the weekend is a simple way to relax and rejuvenate oneself for the days ahead.

  • Stay Away From Social Media:

While we’re always glued to our phones, tablets and laptops day during the week; which is usually unavoidable when working, stay away from social media on weekends. So instead of wasting time on Facebook and Instagram, relax and unwind.

  • Catch On Some Sleep:

Pic Credit- The Chopra Center

To do absolutely anything energetically, your body needs its quota of sleep. Most of us work very hard all through the weekdays, even putting our daily dose of sleep at stake. Good sleep will ensure you’re high on energy and not cranky and grumpy during the weekdays.

Also Read: Savan 2019: Shravan Month To Start On July 17

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