Health: Fruits That Will Help Boost Your Immunity Level

Bhubaneswar: Do you often fall ill? If yes, then these are potential signs that your immunity level is decreasing and your body is becoming vulnerable to infections, allergies, rashes and diseases like cholera, malaria, etc. In order to boost the immunity level of your body, you need to consume certain specific items that will reinvigorate the germ fighting capacity of your body.

Not many know that immunity can be strengthened by consumption of certain specific fruits. Here is a look at some of the healthy fruits which contain vital nutrients to boost immunity level and prevent frequent illness.

  • Apples
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An apple a day keep the doctor away. This saying perfectly fits the bill as apples are excellent source of Vitamins A, B1, B2 and C and minerals like phosphorus, iodine, calcium, and iron. These nutrients boost immunity levels and are vital for bone, skin, muscles, nerve and brain development.

  • Plums
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Plums are an excellent source of few dietary fibers, copper, potassium, Vitamin C and K. The reddish-blue pigment anthocyanins in plums provide protection against cancer. Plums strengthen immune system and cure constipation and anemia.

  • Pomegranates
Pic Credit- Jewish Learning

Pomegranate or Anaar is rich in nutrients. It contains antioxidants which help preventing illnesses and diseases such as high blood pressure, cancer and heart ailments. The presence of vitamins B and folate in pomegranate supports development of red blood cells and aid blood circulation.

  • Black Plums
Pic Credit- NDTV Food

Blackberries or Jamun have an abundance of nutrients like vitamins, potassium, folate, and iron. These strengthen immunity and give body the fighting power to prevent illness and disease. Jamuns are great for kidneys and liver. They help in reducing blood sugar levels, treating diabetes and gastric dysfunctions.

  • Cherries
Pic Credit- ChicEats

Cherries are low in calories and contain antioxidants which help in fighting infections and curing inflammation. Cherries help in eradicating bad cholesterol besides having anti-carcinogenic properties. The fruits help in reducing high blood pressure and uric acid level.

  • Peaches
Pic Credit- NDTV Food

Peaches are great sources of vitamin A, B, and carotene besides being low in calorie. Peaches also contain fiber and vitamin C which protect the skin, improve vision and boosts immunity. They have fluoride which promotes better dental health.

  • Litchis
Pic Credit- Business Today

Litchis are rich in Vitamin C which is vital for resistance against diseases. The antioxidants in Litchi help in reducing weight, fight diseases and build up the immunity level of our body. Fibers in litchi help curing asthma, acidity and indigestion. The fruit is excellent for skin care as it prevents acne and spots.

Also Read: Health: 6 Domestic Remedies For Toothache



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