Causes of grey hair in twenties

For a woman, it’s one of the most defining moments of getting older — that day when you peer into the mirror and spot your very first silver strand of hair. In the past, this grey day may have arrived in their late 30s or early 40s. Having grey hair as a twenty-something can seem pretty depressing. One strand will make you feel old or a whole head of it will you feel paranoid. Once you go grey, you can’t reverse the process or prevent it through creams or vitamins, according to scientific evidence. If the greying was because of a medical condition, then it might be resolved by curing the condition. Here are things dermatologists suggest you need to know about going grey while you are still young.

Lack of melanin
The reason your hair suddenly turns grey is because the cells that produce melanin – a pigment found in the hair follicle that gives colour – have stopped doing so. Another reason could be the content of hydrogen peroxide in your hair. With age, the enzyme catalyst that breaks down hydrogen peroxide weakens and this results in your hair being bleached grey by it.

It is genetic
Going grey early is linked to your genes. If your parents and grandparents had premature greying, then you’re likely to experience it too. Genetics are also responsible for the progress, intensity and shade – white, silver or grey.

Your ethnic background can also explain why you are going grey early. Research shows that Asians start getting grey hair in their late 30’s, Caucasians in mid 30’s and African Americans in their 40’s. Your gender also plays a role – men start greying around the age of 30 whereas women start around 35.

Medical condition
Though greying of hair is a natural process, it could sometimes be due to medical conditions like a vitamin B-12 deficiency, anemia, vitiligo or issues with the pituitary or thyroid gland.

There is a proven correlation between going grey and smoking, according to studies. One such study found that smokers are two and a half times more likely to go grey early as compared to non-smokers. Smoking is also said to be related to baldness because the chemicals present in cigarette smoke damage hair and cause hair cells to break down.

There is no research that explicitly states that stress causes premature greying, but stress hormones may have an effect on the melanin-producing cells which could lead to it. Stress can cause you to shed hair faster, but it’s unlikely that only the dark ones fall out.

You can hide it
You can’t reverse it, but you can conceal your grey hair by dyeing it. However, be careful because too much chemical colouring can also damage your hair. The texture of your hair changes once it starts greying. To take care of coarse, dry and brittle hair, dermatologists recommend using moisture rich shampoo and conditioner and staying hydrated. You should also keep heat-styling to a minimum and avoid shampooing every day.

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