6 foods to consume in rainy season to stay healthy

Almost everyone is in love with the monsoon season now that it has arrived. After a blazing summer, the rain is a great blessing for humans and animals. The weather is so pleasant because of the rain’s calming effect that we want a cup of hot tea, some pakoras (fritters), and a good book.
But we also need to remember that the monsoon also brings a number of health problems with it. It is crucial to show extra concern regarding what we eat and drink during the rainy season since it impacts our immune system.

Here are 6 foods to consume in the rainy season to stay healthy:

Garlic: Who doesn’t enjoy garlic in their food? It tastes amazing and boosts immunity while fighting off the viruses that cause the flu and the common cold. According to research, frequently eating garlic increases the number of T-Cells in the blood, protecting us from viral illnesses like the common cold and flu.

Bitter is better: Bitter is the single taste that no one likes, but foods that are bitter are excellent at fighting off toxic elements. They improve digestion and have antibacterial qualities. Green leafy vegetables with a high nutritional value can be substituted with vegetables like bitter gourd, snake gourd, or ash gourd. Some effective immune system boosters include cumin, fenugreek, and turmeric.

Choose curd, not milk: Our elders have always warned us to stay away from the curd during the monsoon, but what they didn’t tell us is that curd is high in probiotics and can help improve immunity by strengthening our gut and adding healthy microorganisms to an already healthy stomach.

Avoid heavy oils: Oils like mustard oil, sesame oil, and groundnut oil should be avoided during the monsoon since they increase Pitta concentrations in our bodies, making us more vulnerable to diseases. Dry oils like corn oil or light oils like olive oil and rice-bran oils are the greatest alternatives to these oils because they do not cause bloating in our bodies.

Steam vegetables: Even though salad is the healthiest food there is, eating it raw during the monsoon may expose your body to harmful bacteria. Therefore, it is important to boil or steam your vegetables before eating them because the high heat eliminates any microorganisms that may still be present.

Homemade detox drinks: Our mothers and grandmothers have always made us drink Kadha (decoction drinks) when we become ill and in fact, several studies have shown that those who experience infections and fever during the rainy season can find comfort with detox drinks made from ingredients like ginger, tulsi, and a few medicinal spices like cloves, pepper, cinnamon, and cardamom.

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