In order to celebrate its 8th anniversary, Reliance Jio has launched some attractive offers for its customers. Under the anniversary offer, the users get some benefits that are worth Rs 700. This offer period is between 5 to 10 September, 2024. If you are interested to avail the offers on your number, you can recharge with ₹899, ₹999 or ₹3599 plans.
The ₹899, ₹999 or ₹3599 plans get 3 exciting benefits that are worth ₹700. The benefits are mentioned below.
- OTT & Data Pack – ₹175 worth 10 OTT & 10 GB Data voucher with 28 Days Validity
- Zomato Gold Membership – 3 Months Zomato Gold Membership completely free
- Ajio voucher – Flat ₹500 off on order of ₹2999 and above
₹899 and ₹999 plan has per day data limit of 2GB and their validity is 90 days and 98 days respectively whereas ₹3599 plan comes with daily data quota of 2.5 GB, valid for 365 days.
Benefits include subscription to 10 OTT and 10 GB data pack with 28 days validity worth ₹175. Subscription to 3 months of Gold membership of Zomato at no cost and AJIO vouchers of ₹500 for purchase above ₹2999.
Eight years ago, Jio was launched with a bold vision to digitally transform India by making high-speed data and digital services affordable and accessible to all. Today, with over 490 million subscribers, Jio has become a key driver of India’s digital revolution, empowering millions of Indians with cutting-edge technologies. From seamless connectivity to innovative digital services, Jio continues to enable the nation to thrive in the digital age, fostering a more connected, informed, and empowered society.