Horoscope today, Astrological Prediction For March 12

Let us know our horoscope predictions to know what the stars have in store for us. Find out the astrological prediction for Aries, Gemini, Scorpio and other zodiac signs for March 12.

This is your forecast for March 12.

Aries: Today you will be full of energy-Whatever you do- you will be able to do it in half the time you generally take. You are likely to earn through most unexpected sources. Good time to get involved into activities that include youngsters. Romance on the card but sensual feelings may erupt which would spoil your relationship. Learn to control your mind, as many a times you lose focus and waste your time.

Taurus: Today you will be full of energy-Whatever you do- you will be able to do it in half the time you generally take. Avoid overspending and dubious financial schemes. Lately your personal life has been the focus of your major attention- but today you will focus on social work- charity and helping those who approach you with a problem. Personal relationships are sensitive and vulnerable. Your family will share many problems with you today, but you will remain occupied in your own world, and do something in your spare time that you like.

Gemini: Yoga and meditation will help you to keep in shape and stay mentally fit. Unexpected rise in your expenses would disturb your peace of mind. Health of your parents causes concern and anxiety. Problems could arise at home- but avoid criticizing your mate over small issues. Today, you’ll plan to reorganize your house and clean the mess, but will not get any free time today. You might face a tough time in your marriage today. Running may prove very good for you from health’s point-of-view. The great thing about it is – it’s free and yet the best exercise.

Cancer: Start your day with a little exercise- It’s time you start feeling good about yourself- Make it a regular feature everyday and try to stick to it. Use what you already have before rushing out to buy more. Health of an infant might cause some concern. Be careful as someone could try to tarnish your image. Today, you can sit with your family members and talk about many important issues of life.

Leo: Today is also a good day to follow religious and spiritual interest. You are very likely to attain financial benefits today, but you must perform charity and make donations, as it will acquire mental peace. An unexpected news from a distant relative brightens up your day. Romance will cloud your mind as you meet your sweetheart. You will make up your mind to do some of your favourite things today but won’t be able to do so due to the abundance of work. With just little efforts, the day might become the best day of your married life. You will feel good by participating in social welfare activities today.

Virgo: Your charming behaviour will attract attention. There is a possibility of money loss today, hence you are required to remain alert while making transactions or signing any document. Younger brother or sister may seek your advice. You will make your life worth by forgiving your beloved for her past indifference. Not a very good day for traveling.

Libra: Take care of your health. Today, you are likely to attain economic benefits due to your children. This will make you very happy. Domestic work keeps you busy most of the time. Do not be vulgar to your girlfriend. Today people will pass compliments-which you have always wanted to hear. Your spouse might cause you some loss today. If you organize your day better, you may take advantage of your free time and accomplish a lot.

Scorpio: Your quarrelsome behaviour would add to your enemy list. Explore new investment opportunities that come your way today- but commit yourself only after you have studied the viability of these projects. Social activity with your family would keep everybody in a relaxed and pleasant mood.  Travel undertaken for business purpose will prove to be beneficial in the long run.

Sagittarius: Cultivate a harmonious nature to kill your hatred because it is more powerful than love and deadly affects your body. Remember evil triumphs sooner than good. Today, you will be able to earn money without any help or assistance. Relatives will provide support and lift the burden that bothering your mind. You are likely to be misunderstood in lover affair.

Capricorn: Emotionally you will not be very stable- therefore be cautious how you behave and say things in front of others. Investment in stocks and mutual funds recommended for long-term gains. Social events will be perfect opportunity to improve your rapport with influential and important people.

Aquarius: Too much worry and stress could cause hypertension. If you wish to lead a smooth life and maintain a stable standard of living, then you need to remain attentive today regarding your finances. Health of some female member in the family may cause worries. Your love story can take a new turn today, in which your partner can discuss the prospect of marriage with you. In this case, you must consider every aspect before taking any decision. While fulfilling the needs of the family, you often forget to give yourself a break. But today, you will be able to take out some time for yourself and look for a new hobby.

Pisces: In spite of your high spirits you will be missing someone who couldn’t be with you today. Those who are operating small-scale businesses can get any advice from their closed ones today, which can benefit them financially. Lately your personal life has been the focus of your major attention- but today you will focus on social work- charity and helping those who approach you with a problem.  Yes, it’s the sign that you are in love! Construction work undertaken today will finish to your satisfaction. Married life comes with many advantages as well, and you are going to experience all of them today. Impatience isn’t good for either you or your work, as it increases the chances of damage or any kind of loss.


Source: Astro Sage

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