Horoscope today, 16 May 2022, Virgo, Libra, Pisces Check Astrological Predictions

Let us know our horoscope predictions to know what the stars have in store for us. Find out the astrological prediction for Aries, Taurus, Libra, Virgo, Scorpio and otheiusr zodiac signs for May 16.

This is your forecast for May 16.


Watch what you speak today, Aries. People are quite sensitive nowadays and even a slightest criticism can hurt their feelings very much. When in doubt, keep your mouth shut. Turn the attention into yourself and focus on your own emotions. Try to check on your mental health and concentrate more on how you feel instead of how you think.


Today you will realise that your connection with people are much better than you have thought of, Taurus. You have a good psychic sense, use this energy to see things that others usually miss. Do not let your busy schedule disrupt the deeper connection you have with your thoughts and ideas. People around you are more malleable today than usual.


Don’t give up the fight today, Gemini, be persistent. Right now it might seem like there is no progress and it’s harder to make decisions about anything. You will soon find out that others are as much confused as you are. Find a clever way to express what you feel. As long as you are in touch with your inner state, you can solve the issues out with a little help of others.


Your current plan of hitting the hammer into a hot rod may not work today, Cancer. This might be the result of an emotional need that you may not have recognized earlier. Your mind and gut are probably in a conflict You might even need to put everything on hold for now while you sort out this inner turmoil.


You might need to take a more disciplined approach to your communication today, Leo. Try to be more patient and kind, people respond to comforting expressions and a sympathetic tone. Your cold nature will only aggravate an existing wound. Keep your tone low, if possible even give yourself some quite time and be alone and contemplate your state of mind.


Today is your day, Virgo, as you may find things running smoothly and to your advantage. Watch out for people who might want to keep give you unnecessary information that doesn’t really connect with the way you feel. These information are irrelevant to how you feel and why. Pay attention to your heart.


Renegotiating relationships may cause sorrow today. However, fixing just one won’t work. Past emotions that have created difficulties may resurface. Focus on releasing them as it will help you move on. Your bonds with everyone depends on your energy towards them. Don’t think too much, just remember that a true bond will always be there when you need them the most.


You usually push ahead without glancing backwards that much. However, today is a bit different for you as you are not your usual self right now. You are a learner, therefore you might use your past mistakes into making creating opportunities for yourself. Circumstances may force a reevaluation of your current job or lifestyle. Or you could contemplate a move. Contact a sibling, neighbour or any closed acquaintance. Today is all about adjustment for you.


Old dreams or ambitions that you have abandoned or suppressed within are likely to surface. You could be forced to confront difficulties in your current situation. You might feel the need to connect with people you haven’t heard from in ages. It could be because you want to catch up or because you need a favour from them. Old debts will be knocking on your door, it’s time to repay them. This is a great time to tie up loose ends, attain closure, and move on.


Childhood memories could pass your mind today, some good and some bad. However, it will bring you a new understanding of how your early experiences are affecting your current situation. Something in your personal life or professional life isn’t right for you, this realisation will help you move forward in life. Don’t let fear overwhelm your need for transition.


Although you are comfortable in your environment, you might receive an unmistakable signal indicating a time for a change. This could be due to the arrival of a new job which will require your skills and talents. Don’t let small but necessary tasks make you abandon a new course of action. It represents a vital stage in your personal growth.


You might find it difficult to express yourself fully today, Pisces. Somehow what you feel and what you speak are not really complimenting each other. Powerful emotions are getting in the way. It could be difficult for you to find a solid solution to your problem, but hang in there, things will sort out soon. Don’t stick to one way of solving your problem. Patience is the key to virtue and it sits on your situation right now.  Wait until things clear before you proceed.

Also Read: Weekly Horoscope from May 16 to May 22, Check your prediction

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